Well, I am now figuring out that I came out of the gate strong with this blog thing, and I have now started to slack off and write blogs every few weeks. Of course I am now getting a little busy around work with football going on, volleyball still hanging around and of course basketball starting this week. On top of this, I still have a very busy wife that works crazy hours at the hospital and a seven year old that is also starting basketball this month. On a side note, I did get to full fill a childhood fantasy of owning a pair of Air Jordan’s through Sloan this past week. I got to buy her, her first (and hopefully not last) pair of Jordan’s. Let’s hope she channels Michael during her tryout for basketball in a few weeks.
Well, for those of you that read this blog and know me, I am turning a little older this month. If I didn’t know, the beard and the precious hair I have left on my head is now telling me, with the taunting of grey hair it feels it should expose while growing out now. I am hoping once my beard comes part of the way in I look more like MCA (Adam Yauch) from the Beastie Boys than some old looking guy trying to look and dress younger. Either way, I am going for the older guy Beastie Boys look.
I can tell the past few months that is has been getting to me a little that I am getting closer to 40 and moving further away from my 20’s and early 30’s. I never thought much about getting older, unless you could the 16th, 18th, and 21st birthdays. The milestone birthday’s if you will. I guess this birthday is getting to me a little more than any other. I guess the good thing to keep my mind off of it, is that not only do I work that day, but I also have a basketball game. So I will be busy all day long. Well, so far I have seen and lord knows I have done a lot to fill up all 3? years I have been here. Since I do try to write about music, I figure that I should do almost a top 3? albums that I have owned over the years that have an importance. I will also start with number 1 and move my way down, giving away my age still hurts a little right now. So here we go, Kevin’s List of albums.
1. Ten-Pearl Jam
2. Straight Outta Compton- N.W.A.
3. Willie And Family Live- Willie Nelson
4. Nevermind- Nirvana
5. Liscense To Ill- The Beastie Boys
6. Raising Hell- Run D.M.C.
7. No Code- Pearl Jam
8. Green- R.E.M.
9. Fight For Your Mind- Ben Harper
I will start with the next 9 for next week, and I should be able to end the list on my birthday. I have to say for the first 9 I am pretty happy about.
3 hours ago