Well, here I am once again back at writing a blog. I go back and forth each week on what to write about. Of course I wish I was better at it much like My Old Kentucky Blog, Aquarium drunkard, Stereogum, Brooklyn Vegan, and many other music blogs. Then I also have to realize that they do have many more people writing for them than just little ol' me. But I digress into my blog in hopes that someday soon I catch someone's eye or ear and I (at my advanced age) will become the next great music writer. It seems like forever ago that I saw Weezer at the first of the month, and with July coming up I need to find another concert to go to, just to keep up with my new year's resolution of seeing a concert a month for a year. The prospects of a show in July are looking a little thin. So hopefully while we are in Portland or Seattle we can catch a small show somewhere cool, of a band that I have never heard of. Isn't that what you are supposed to do anyway? So those of you that live in Portland or Seattle know of anything good going on during the last week of July let me know. Now on to more important things that interest me in my spare time and that is music. So I have hit my wall (or should I say my external hard drives wall) and reached capacity of my "tiny" 150 GB drive that is now housing the majority of my ever evolving music library. I have taken on the hard task of now being music god to what bands I feel are worthy enough to keep space and those that are hogging space that needs to go off into virtual heaven. This hasn't been too much of a difficult task as I thought, but it has also been a blessing as far as reminding myself I have those albums or I need to actually listen to some of the music. (Once again I would love to get paid for my side hobby, Spin or Rolling Stone if you are reading this, I will listen to music for you guys) It's funny when you have over 8,000 songs on your iPod you can still figure out an album or song that somehow has been left off when you have to upgrade to a larger iPod, which I never thought I would have to, but I did. On a lighter more exciting note, I did win an iPod at a convention I attended for work, but now the question is should I add music to it? Well I guess I don't have much as far as concerts go for this week, hopefully I can catch something live this week. I do need a live music fix at some point. I guess I can go through some music reviews of my own to give something on this blog today. New Music for the past few weeks: I have been a big fan of Justin Vernon (a.k.a Bon Iver) for a few years now. I got lucky and picked up his newest album on Father's Day with my wonderful family at a great record store in Dallas called Good Records. Along with the record I also got a bonus disk of songs with the purchase. This album is great from the first song to the last, and he actually covered I Can't Make You love Me/Nick of Time on the bonus disk that is very amazing. Vernon's falsetto voice is always great to hear, and his songs match perfectly with his voice. If you haven't picked up this album, do so quickly. Arctic Monkeys- Suck it and See This is the fourth album from the Arctic Monkeys, and I like this one much better than Humbug. Although I wish it was a little more upbeat like their first two albums, but you can tell with Suck It and See that they are starting to find their way with their music. This one is a little more slower, but it has some great songs on it. I became a fan of the Monkeys after seeing them live at Austin City Limits Festival. I really like the song She's Thunderstorms. This is the sixth album from the band from Ireland. I have in the past few years started listening to Bell X1 after listening to Blue Lights on the Runway (it's a great album). Which this is a great follow up to the 2009 album. This one I have had to get a few listens in before really liking it, check out the song Velcro. This is the second album from this band from England. If I had to classify them, I guess you could say they are a dance/punk band, which is a horrible lable. They always have some great beats to get you moving. They are really starting to gain some ground in England, and I am sure you will start seeing a little more of them over here in the US. Their first album was received well, and once this one gets some play it will as well. Check out the song Live Those Days Tonight. Well, hopefully by now you have heard of this bay area band, their catchy indie song Internet Killed the Video Star is getting much play. They also had an early hit called Very Busy People as well. I have to admit when I first heard both of these songs I really liked them a lot and couldn't wait to pick up their debut album. So far it hasn't disappointed, and if you haven't heard either of these songs check them out. Ben Harper-Give Till It's Gone This is Ben's 11th studio album, and I have been a huge Ben Harper fan since the first time I saw him blow me away when he had to take over the main stage at The Horde Festival in 1998 when the Smashing Pumpkins literally broke up and had a melt down about three songs into their set. I got lucky and picked his newest album up on vinyl and it is really good. Check out the songs Don't Give Up on Me Now and Rock N' Roll is Free.
1 hour ago