Well it’s now the busy time of the year for all of us. Sloan has just started 1st grade, and I still can’t believe that she is now that old. Not to mention today was her first day of Girl Scouts. She is getting real big and way too fast for the old man, but I just need to stay young with her. I did catch her on Saturday singing some Metric in the car, which totally surprised me. It could be through osmosis seeing she falls asleep with her radio on (but I doubt Metric is a big hit in the HUGE town of Waco). Over the course of the summer she has lost four teeth, and now wears a size 1 in shoes. Not to mention she is now begging me for her to play coach pitch next year for baseball. It’s not the pitching part that scares me, but it’s the catching on the line drives and having the ball thrown to her that does. Something to work on over the winter. She also is ready to play her second season of basketball, which I feel she is going to be great at. Plus she loves to swim, so I am getting an active kid coming out of the summer, which is awesome.
Kristen is now in her last semester of Nursing School, which I feel all three of us are ready to get her to ourselves. She is doing awesome, and her getting through with school while raising a family is just awesome as well. She has the stomach for that stuff; I would tap out as soon as I saw the blood. I tell myself from time to time that my job is not a life and death job and if I mess up no one will die. I feel that is a good way to look at it anyway. I know she is ready to get it over with, she has been working very hard and all of us are proud of her.
As for yours truly, well another cycle begins. It seems sports is a constant with me, of course seeing that’s what I do it shouldn’t amaze me when all the crazy begins. I basically start in September and get everything over with in May. From September to May that spans four sports out of 16 sports that I personally are in charge of the marketing. So when friends tell me I work all the time, I laugh and say at least I somewhat have the summer to relax. My summer still isn’t over until I get to see Eddie Vedder walk on to the stage in Austin and hopefully sing one of my million favorite songs by Pearl Jam. Plus I really can’t wait to see the Artic Monkeys; I am really excited to see them. (FYI, just 33 days until I go) Plus, I always try to make it up to Oklahoma to watch at least one football game a season in Norman. This year, I get to take Sloan to the game and expose her to what still gives me the chills every time I watch them. There aren’t too many things that still do that, and watching them take the field does it to me every time. I think it goes back to my dad taking me to the games, it was our thing we did every Saturday together as long as I can remember. If I wasn’t at the game we were watching them on the TV, ups and downs, and two national championships for me. (It bugs Kristen, but at halftime like clock work we call each other to hash out the first half). Not to mention my boys down in Waco are going to make some noise this season, so watch out for the Baylor Bears.
All in all, it was a great summer, Sloan and I still have two Rangers games to go to before baseball is over. I got to see some family in Oklahoma, not to mention some friends from college. So a good summer, hopefully that will roll into a great rest of the year.
Music for this week:
Well, it’s getting down to the albums that I have been waiting for all summer. The Arctic Monkeys came out with their album last week, this week was the Black Crowes, and next week is Jay-Z. Plus at the end of the month is Pearl Jam. So a good month for me, plus I was just surprised by my boy Q-Tip releasing his album. I can’t wait.
Arctic Monkeys- Humbug
Another great album from AM. This one is really good, I don’t recommend a whole album very often, but this one is worth getting. Check out the song Cornerstone.
The Black Crowes- Before the Frost…Until the Freeze
First listen of this album (I got it early by pre-ordering it on iTunes), and I really like this one. Warpaint was good, but I think this one is getting back to their roots. Amorica is still my all time favorite from them. Check out the song I Am Hiding.
Gomez- A New Tide
A new band for me, but not a new band in the world of music. I love this dynamic they have, they basically have two lead singers that alternate singing different songs on their albums. I got Kristen hooked on them, and that is saying a lot. She doesn’t listen to music I like very often. Another album you should get. Check out the songs Little Pieces and Natural Reaction.
11 hours ago
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